So it is!
I slept all night which I can not remember when I did last
I am still at an unknown address and do not know how long I will remain
Like everyone else I also need to have my own place.
A place to breathe freely.
Because this is best for me when reality becomes too much
Some interested in hobbies, others have their clubs where they spend part of their time, and I have this,
We all have our places to just be able to breathe on.
This week I'll just take care of myself.
All have to do it regularly and I need to get my time now.
Today I will once again find my way to work the jungle with all that implies
Those who are fighting to win hopefully something in the end.
In the meantime, I will vomit up words that form sentences in this blog
I'm tired, but far from beaten
It's tiring when you constantly work against the wind and stepping in quicksand
But I struggle on like so many others.
I am a survivor!
Then how everything will look like in the end, I have no answer to.
Now I will return to try to make me a safe living
Mimsan önskar samtliga sina läsare en bra & produktiv torsdag
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