Now I have sent off five job applications, and made a telephone call.
Yet I do not feel satisfied.
I think of those who are sick and who have been dismissed from the Social Insurance
I think of my dad who is currently being treated 5 days a week with radiation
He is unemployed and can not stand to employment services because of his cancer treatment
The treatment he may pay himself and also travel to and from the hospital
Unemployment is equal, no money at all
Are you also sick, does not facilitate direct an already strained situation
Welfare in Sweden, we may all say thanks to our higher power who sit and decide and seal the fate of human
There is nothing in Sweden that could be called safety net anymore
There seems to be up to each individual to muddle up after their best ability
Four years to go until the next election and I hope with all my heart that it will be voted differently.
- Time to call my father and ask him how his treatment went today
And thanks again Moderate bastards because you really have seen to the people in our society
That you, as a political party really cares about those who are fighting their way daily
- Bloody executioners
Jag önskar att dom som röstade på Moderaterna fick chansen att rösta om.
Dessvärre fungerar det inte på det sätten!
Tack för ordet!
Välfärd???? finns det sånt.
SvaraRaderaSjälv har jag fått vända mig till mina vänner när jag varit i nöd. men det har ju oxå gjort att jag själv bryr mig om och hjälper dem jag anser vara vänner med det jag kan.
Glöm inte det Ina....*S*
Den så kallade välfärden är ett skit ord för att invagga dumhuvuden i falsk trygghet!
Klart jag inte glömmer, det vet du väl!?! :)